20 Feb 2017

Radiation Enteritis

64 years old male operated Lap APR 2 years back for CA Rectum
Received radiation post operatively
He had repeated attacks of Intestinal Obstruction after 18 months
Admitted 4 times in last 6 months for same
Presented with perforation peritonitis and operated again
Findings severe radiation enteritis with terminal ileal perforation
Adhesiolysis with resection of terminal ileal segment
Permanent colostomy kept in situ & double barrel ileal stoma made

17 Feb 2017

Laparoscopic Retroperitoneal Necrosectomy

32 year old male with ethanol induced acute necrotising pancreatitits
Had severe attack with multiorgan failure
ICU stay was more then 30 days with ventilatory support
Received broad spectrum antibiotcs, pigtail, tracheostomy
With all efforts from Gastroenterologist and Intencivist recovered
Operated for infective extensive pancreatic necrosis on day 38
Laparoscopic retroperitoneal approach was taken
Thorough necrosectomy and lavage done from right side
Diverting loop ileostomy made
Postoperative ICU stay was 4 days recovery was slow and steady
Discharged with all drains in situ